8: Formative and Summative Assessment (Slavin, Ch. 13)
Description: Effective instruction is built on clear learning objectives that guide the lesson planning process and allow students to monitor their own progress. Instructional objectives should be specific, measurable, and adapted to the subject matter (Slavin, 2018). At the end of a unit of study, teachers will assess student learning through a cumulative test or performance task (summative assessment), but student achievement will be increased if formative assessment is used throughout the teaching of the content leading up to a summative assessment. Formative assessments provide the teacher and the student with important information about what students are learning, and it should be used to adjust lesson plans to accommodate for necessary reteaching, clarifying misconceptions, and individual scaffolding for students who are struggling. When the time comes to formally assess a student’s mastery of the content for an entire unit, two key ideas should guide the proce...